The Flapper and the Actuator
The title of this blog might as well be ‘The Foggler and the Axe-kadoodle” or “The Flux and the Capacitor” — because really, what is a flange or an actuator? No one really knows…right? Well, I guess some people know–like Flangeman and Super Actuator Dude. Because those are real people. Yep. Anyways, we will discuss those terms, as well as several others, in today’s blog on How To Fix a Running Toilet.
If you are more of a visual learner, then skip my blabbin’ and head over to — you’re welcome. If you’re staying, hey thanks, it’s nice to know someone out there’s listening. Here we go!
8 Easy Steps to Fix A Running Toilet
1. Check the Actuator
If you have an actuator, you also have an older toilet, because plumbing technology has since upgraded to a flapper. An actuator, similarly, regulates the flow of the water from the tank to the bowl. If you have to jiggle the flusher to make your toilet work, then this might be your problem. Kind of the opposite of fixing a running toilet, but truth be told I had to work in the actuator somehow.
2. Cut Its Legs Off
If your toilet is running, cut that jerk’s legs clean off. I guarantee it’ll stop running away from you.
3. Go Have A Bath
If you were just chasing your toilet, I’m guessing you’re pretty dirty. Gah have a bath.
4. Test The Flapper
Using a painter’s stir stick or a medium to large broadsword, push down on the flapper when you hear the water running. The flapper needs to be replaced if it stops. Refer to the picture below to find out what the flush a flapper is.
5. Inspect the Fill Valve
Sorry, but you’re going to have to flush again to test this one. I’m sorry for your loss of water, but I promise, it won’t be in vain! *Condolence High Five* — are they a thing? So once you flush, look for a leak in the fill valve. Lift up on the float arm to see if the water stops. If that fill valve is leaking, yep, you guessed it, replace that badboy. Because nobody’s badder.
6. Remove the Old Fill Valve
There’s not an easy way of checking the fill valve, so if the first 5 steps didn’t solve the problem, there’s a good chance you just need a new fill valve. Clear out the tank and disconnect the water line, then replace it with a nice ‘n fresh new fill valve.
7. Connect the Fill Tube
The new fill tube connects to the fill valve nipple and the enclosed angle adapter. Hook those up and make sure there are no kinks–nobody wants a kinky nipple. Then clip the angle adapter onto the overflow. Bingo bango, you’re done!
Don’t let the frustrations of a leaky toilet overflow your brain and flood your cheeks with tears and anger sweat drops. If you have any questions or just want to chat about toilets with legs, be sure to call or text us at 289-244-9843, because at Go Green Plumbing, we are always happy to help.