Nominated For Niagara Entrepreneur Of The Year Award!
We are so deeply honoured and pleased to announce that Jordin Funk, the business owner of Go Green Plumbing has been nominated for the Niagara Entrepreneur of the Year Award! Everyday as a team we strive to provide the best plumbing service as well as customer service to all clients, which is why it is so wonderful to be recognized through this nomination. However this nomination would not be possible if it were not for all our loyal clients who have written reviews and recommended us to their friends and family, as well as all the support and excellent customer service we receive from our suppliers to help our business run smoothly. For that, everyone here at Go Green Plumbing would like to say, THANK YOU! We hope to continue to succeed our clients expectations in both the quality of our work as well as customer service.
Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!