How to Prepare the Plumbing in Your Home for the Upcoming Fall and Winter Seasons
With the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having, it’s hard to believe that fall and winter are right around the corner. Before you know it you’ll be layering up sweaters and turning up the heat! Just like we protect ourselves from the colder weather with coats and scarves, we need to protect the plumbing in our homes as well by insulating and checking for leaks!
One of the most frequent calls we get in the winter is for frozen pipes, so it’s very important to ensure before it starts getting icy cold outside that they are protected. Whether they are indoor or outdoor pipes, they need to be properly insulated. This can help heat from escaping, prevent freezing and cause less stress on your plumbing.
It’s also important to stop any leaks no matter how small. Leaving pipes leaking during the autumn season can be more damaging than in other seasons. It’s also much easier to have a plumber do an inspection and repairs of any leaks you think there may be now, rather than during the busy holiday season.
Don’t forget to check your water heater!
Nobody wants to take a cold bath or shower during the winter months! That is why it is very important to make sure that you drain your water heater. You want to empty out any sediment that may have had a chance to build up over the months, especially if you live in an area that uses hard water. If your water heater is old and slowing down, it might be time to consider replacing it with a new one.
Time to Put Away the Garden Hose !
If your water hose is left hooked to an outdoor faucet, the water in the pipe can freeze, causing damage both to the pipes and to the hose. It may be tedious to put away but at least you don’t have to worry about watering the garden for a few months!
Maintain Your Sump Pump and Pit
A sump pump is a device that eliminates water that has pooled together and is usually found in the basement. You should check the pump and the pit in which it is located, to make sure that it works properly. You may want to consider having a battery operated sump pump installed as well. If the power should happen to go out during a nasty winter storm, this can help avoid any flooding that might happen and avoid damage in the basement.
If you ever have any concerns regarding the plumbing in your home, don’t hesitate to give our experienced plumbers here at Go Green Plumbing a call to set up a free estimate or even to just to ask a question! Our number is 289-244-9843 and our email is
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